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American Association of Oriental Medicine official homepage, including meetings, member application, state association information.


American Academy of Medical Acupuncture is an non-profit organization.   It subscribes to Medical Acupuncture-a Journal For Physicians By Physicians.  Customers can log-in for free to assess full journal articles.


American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine: online registration, class schedules, degree offering, admission requirement, clinical training is available.


This is a quiet interesting page, which has so many acupuncture links.    But there is no guaranteed if all the links it’s going to work.

Acupuncture today

All about acupuncture.  However we find it very preliminary.

Acupuncture insurance

Acupuncture Insurance Services and the American Acupuncture Council have joined forces to provide broader coverage and better service to the acupuncture community.

Natural Healers

A very unique site with featured acupuncture schools listed by state and city within USA.

Veterinary Acupuncture

Does your pet needs to see an acupuncturist?  Is acupuncture safe in any pet?

Washington Acupuncture Center

This site has some general information on what is acupuncture, how does it work, conditions commonly treated, and result of acupuncture. Acupunture.com

It features acupuncturist in your area, resources, and also traditional Chinese medicinal therapies


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