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NAHA: The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy is an educational, nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing public awareness of the benefits of true aromatherapy.

Aroma Pharmacy: Here you can research information about aromatherapy contents.

AromaStore: It’s a good place to purchase aromatherapy products in USA.

AIA: Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy offers reference book, CD-ROM, online database with purchase of their services.

Pet : Aromatherapy for Pet?  Include regimen for cleaning, antiallergic mix and match.

Suite101 : Do you want to read about most updated article on aromatherapy, if you do, this is the site.

For Amateur user : Contains a very easy search engine for aromatherapy.  Best of all, its free!

AromaSchool : Institute of Aromatherapy.  Available courses and aromatherapy consultant program offering.

AromaWorld: It has everything about aromatherapy in lay-man language including, the history, essential oil and more.

IDA : The Institute of dynamic Aromatherapy™ is a learning institution to support and promote academic excellence through the maintenance and protection of high standards of practice in Aromatherapy

AromaJournal : Aromatherapy Today is the international aromatherapy journal for those who are passionate about aromatherapy.


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